Saturday, July 23, 2011

 The youth go to their neighborhood market in Satellite City

In the market they buy an offering to bless the imminent tour in the Theater-Truck

The offering to Pachamama, Mother Earth

 "Pijchando", chewing, coca

 In front of the fire, the youth dare to speak of their greatest hopes for the future

Tintín improvises a dialogue with his character, el Yatiri, who speaks to him in Aymara. Tintín only partly understands, and this fact provokes a crisis where he decides he doesn't dare to manifest this dead medicineman. He decides to leave the role to the understudy, and not accompany the group on tour... 

 An animation shows the troupe leaving El Alto in the Theater Truck and going to the bus terminal. Everyone makes loads of noise in the truck... except Tintín.

 At the terminal, the troupe gets on the bus for Cochabamba, and leaves Tintín behind.

The troupe and the German volunteers set up the Theater Truck for the first time

Ready for their first audience

They bring out the neighbors, their audience, with drums

Just before getting on stage, the actors realize that they are missing key props, and it's obvious that they aren't as ready as they had thought. The lack of leadership is obvious.

They put on the play anyways

And they get the attention and laughter of their audience

 Despite this, as they discuss the next day, it's obvious the troupe is not happy with the show.  There were many errors, and Maya in particular doubts that they have affected the audience as much as they had hoped.

The youth continue their tour, but there's little connection with their audience, 
on and off stage

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