this month, Februrary, we have filmed the last 3 scenes with Teatro Trono in La Paz and El Alto.
we recorded music for the soundtrack... enjoy the uncut versions here:
Quena de Tintin - la ceremonia by Luis Vásque, alias Tintín
Djembe y bombos - sinfonicaby
Oscar Vásquez, alias Sapo
Daniela Orellana Gomez, alias Oveja,
Juan Abel Cahua
Luis Montoya Rojas, alias Marquez
I spoke in depth with artist Alejandro Salazar about the animations he will design, and in his workshop I found this painting, which fascinated and frightened me. I thought I would share it with you all.
Apparently it depicts a local monster, that comes and takes children away from their homes and turns them into wild animals. It sure looks like death to me. And at times I sure feel like that child, feel like I've been taken far from home, turned wild, possessed by spirits using me as a channel for their project. I trust, in the case of this film, that they are good spirits that just have some unfinished business they need my help to take care of...